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[미국사립교환/미국 $20000대 조기유학 ] Iowa주 Beckman Catholic High School


by Studyuhak 2014. 5. 7. 15:51




[미국사립교환/미국 $20000대 조기유학 ] Iowa주  Beckman Catholic High School

홈페이지 : http://www.beckman.pvt.k12.ia.us/





2000불대 저렴하고 좋은 사립교환 프로그램 .

아이오와주 사립교환 프로그램으로  학비가 저렴하고 학업적으로 아주 괜찮은 학교입니다.


J1(공립교환) 학생을  받는 학교라 현재 한국학생 7~8명 정도 재학중입니다.


재단비용 $ 14,800

호스트 추가비용 $1000~$1,500 추가될수 있습니다. (확인중입니다.) 

​학비 $3,690


Iowa주  Beckman Catholic High School​


 Beckman Catholic High School


 1325 9th Street SE., Dyersville, IA 52040










 441명 (9-12학년: 302명)







  Beckman Catholic High School 특징

AP Courses: Calculus, US History, Language Composition, Language Literature to College: 98%
Sports: Football, Cross Country, Volleyball, Basketball, Wrestling, Track, Soccer, Golf, Baseball, Softball, Cheerleading, Dance Team
Arts: Art, Choir, Band, Theatre (3 productions yearly, including musical)
Clubs: Speech, Mock Trial, Math Club, Spanish Club, Science Club, Mat Maids, National Honor Society, Student Government, Art club, Writer’s Club, Yearbook, Newspaper, Ambassador Club, Prom Committee
COMMENTS: Located in Dyersville, IA – “Field of Dreams” site. Good, safe
community. Honors:
- Among the Top 20 Academic US Catholic High Schools
- Among Top 50 Catholic High School in the USA
- Among the Top 50 IA AP High Schools





미국조기유학,아오와주조기유학,$20000대 저렴한 조기학교,저렴한미국조기학교,미국사립교환

스터디유학 카카오톡 채널 상담

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